Multifandom Fanart in πŸ“¦ || BOXZEE'S COMMUNITY

Please post in the right channels! β˜†


I drew @Phisnom 's Character, I tried to draw this two times. We will not discuss the first drawing.

Here's his channel if you want to watch his content.

i ripped of the Bear from DWTD into Spritesheets

(i also added claws just like in the short stories cuz why not?)

HAPPY NEW YEAR! (i hope this year will be better)

year happy new

here’s south park ao oni

Since the year is ending here is the last drawing from me for 2024 it's Mr Muffin
Happy New year

My New GD Icon

Hey look is that one guy from Nintendo back then, what his name...

Mr. Sys or system or something like that?

Schools of Sonk

a bad drawing cuz yes