Brawlers & Skins👊 in Brawl Stars Community

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Pretty sure she's one of the best ppl in the game

And I got her out of a star drop


Squad Busters ya llegó a las 30 millones de descargas. Y ya nos dieron este aspecto de Shelly en Brawl Stars para celebrarlo! Esta muy buena! (El aspecto)

I have made a funny name and title combo

Also I mastered chester

And I was at my uncle's this weekend

Well, looks as if my push today has ended

This is the first time I've ever gotten a mastery limit LMAO

But tomorrow is the day, I get my first max mastery

getting there

After this it's just getting to rank 30

I'm at 28 rn

But then

It's rank 35


Going to be a nightmare


Unlocking Lily and pushing her to level 9

Uhh spiky or vigilance

  1 vote Voting finished

Uhh there's no gameplay section here so...

This is one of my star player games as Lily

She's fun to play

Imma upload a few more

(I think I've gotten star player as her more than anyone else)

I'm also pretty sure this was after a loss streak because...

This was pain