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Bro, Coolartis thinks that leaking @Oswald_64's models is gonna do anything, even though he's switching over to blender. Even Coolartis knows, yet his stupid kid brain can't understand, lol
Everyone, Coolartis needs to be banned. We are done with him raiding servers, making alts, stealing people's shit, and being a little shit.… Please block and report him cause he's caused enough trouble for one year
Today's been a rough one for us all.
Lets get some rest, and move on...
Thank you for standing by my side everyone...
It'll be a long road to recovery, but we will move on...
Goodnight Trailer premiering in 10 minutes! Trailer premiering tomorrow at 8:00 PM EST
Development is going very well! Also, we have a release date!
While you guys are waiting, here's a quick gameplay preview.