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Civil protection is a group of people that looks for bad people on this site (degenerates, Hentai fans, etc,) The primary goal is to make people aware of who we are looking for, DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES HARRAS THE USERS WE ARE TALKING ABOUT, This is purely to count all these users and confront a problem gamejolt really needs to fix,
The team: @pyro-gaming @UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU @Malhare221456
We have a tier system, these are the tiers: CP, Soldier, Elite, CP being normal member, Soldier being moderator, Elite being Collaborator, Tiers are earned based on trust,
Report every degenerate you find to here,
But we don't recommend naming them, that might cause people to go harrass them.