All Posts in Crystal's Pool

go wild yada yada yada

Nightmare Before Disney Version 3

(Only character drawn from this version is Nightmare Face)

Scrapped Nightmares

(They're Speed edits. Not drawings.)


The renders i used for editing were from

Nightmare Before Disney Version 2

Nightmare Before Disney Version 1

Hi everyone. Ever since I started thinking about Discovery Island again, I just realized I hadn't even made any posts for some of the in-game progression I never showed. So since the game was canned, I guess I could show some of these things I did.

Five Nights at Treasure Island 2:Let the Show begin

(My least favorite Fnati fan game from The whole Malrat era)

Five Nights at Treasure Island 2: Original Revamp

Break from art won't bother (read the Article)

Treasure Island Insanity Ride RELEASED (Download)