Game/Video Progress in Conner Gamer's Community

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Breaking News: I have opened and modified the Fixed Build MFA File.

LXFAT Adventure Obby Devlog:
Stage 1: 50%

Updated the plot for Luntik Egg's Attack on Louie Tower Chapter 2 to be about Ramona X's Dog, EXE Dog.
(Ramona X is an OC made by my cousin & RU In article.)
LX The Toad's Hunger will be Chapter 2 for This Game!
Just wanted to let you know.

Paradox 2024 Like Chase Scene.
Yes, I used the direction frames from paradox 2024.
What do you want to see in the Paradox Fixed Build?
EN: I made my own text for the loading screen!
RU: Я сделал свой собственный текст для экрана загрузки!
EN: When I'm Finished with the Paradox Fixed Build, Should I Remake Luntik X For All Time's?
RU: Когда я закончу полную версию LХPIH, мне стоит переделать Лунтик Икс на все времена?
EN: Also, (read article)
RU: Также, (читать статью)
3 votes Voting finished
bbcr decomp broke. welp time to port the remake crap to simplified open source.

The 2023 FEDYA CLAPTON INC Intro from Luntik XYZ is now in the fixed build! (aka, the worlds goofiest horror game intro)