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Halloween 5/7
Here's my ginjinka ver. of Drifloon today! I think this whole aesthetic suits him so well hehe 💜 #pokemon #cosplayer #drifloon

Update on Willow
Face details painted (because I forgot to earlier)
Feather in progress of being made
(I’m in love with the spots! ☺️

I’ve made many character lightsabers but this time, I wanted to imagine my own. If I were a Jedi, what would my lightsaber look like. I was inspired after making the Cal Kestis hilt. I love the scrap savers cobbled together after the fall of the order.

My custom lightsaber. Features a commercial NeoPixel core, 3D printed emitter shroud, handle grip, rings, and details. Depicts a scavenged and broken double bladed hilt with cracked Kyber crystal exposed. The blade pulsates in “unstable mode.” Jedi green!

Watch my full interview on Game Jolt at… ! @gamejolt

My Wolf Mask.
Generic wolf mask, found on Thingiverse. The original strap design left it hanging. I added an adjustable chin brace to lift the muzzle. Straps made from recycled respirator. Teeth are resin coated. Paint is two tone, (gray if viewed below.)

From @ArtsyFartsyTiffy and myself. Thank you @gamejolt
! Thank you community!

William Afton’s corpse head part 2. Sculpted and trimmed by @AugmentedArtist . The full head wouldn’t fit. I did the paint with acrylics and mixed each color.

Fake blood you can eat? Yes please!
With 3 ingredients you can make your next halloween party or treat even more deliciously gross by adding some edible blood! Let me know if you try this yourself :)

Making William Afton’s corpse head. Part 1, styrofoam head, sculpt with a hot foam knife or loom. Pass to @ArtsyFartsyTiffy for part 2, paint!