Share your WIP cosplays! in Cosplay Community

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Learn from my mistakes. I finished the Mk 45 helm first. I should have waited so the paints were better matched. I had to revisit the clear of the helm because I didn’t wait.

My Iron Man Cosplay Armor helm and neck fit test. A head sock helps keep your ears and hair in check.

Make sure your neck piece is comfortable. My Mk 45 neck required some heat adaptation.

Flashback, 2017 and building my Iron Man cosplay armor. I start suits with the helmet. Here is the Mk 45 helm 3D printed and featuring mine own magnetic connectors.

Current project in progress: Scarab of Ammit - Moon Knight Series

Current project in progress: Moon Knight’s Crescent Darts (Daggers)

There has been some interest in my custom Iron Man armor build.

I shared some videos a while back. I’ll dig up some photos for a series.…

Not 100% movie accurate.

3D files from Thingiverse.

NEW: Cat Darth Vader Helm

3D printed and spray painted.

Some old build photos of Thor's Hammer.

The handle is wrapped in faux leather. Pattern by @ArtsyFartsyTiffy .

Current Work in Progress: The Batman - Batarang

3D printed, to be painted. Model found on Cults.