You've got your place to share your things!

As I move forward with my next drawing, I leave you with this fabulous sunset (autumn is coming, guys).

(Photo by me).



what did I miss

Hey people! How's it all going? I hope it's okay.

Well, this time I present you the Lizard from Spider-Man, but made with lego.

Once again, I had problems because I almost ran out of green pieces to finish it.

I hope you like it.

Take care.



I don't know if this is valid to complete the quest. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I've built Perry the Platypus from the animated series Phineas and Ferb, but in the GameJolt colors.

As Doofenshmirtz would say in Spanish: ¡MALDITO SEAS, PERRY EL ORNITORRINCO!



No context.


all perfect failed :c

(old video from the day b4 yesterday)

the drawing ever part three

alright tell me rn if you want to be on my tarot cards


Changes in the article!

Welcome to Cream's hangout on Game Jolt!



Heya, welcome!

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