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New Creepypasta: Pokemon Black and White Remake
It had been whispered about for years, but no one knew for sure if it existed. Some said it was too disturbing to be real. But then, one day, a copy of the lost volume of Frieren: Beyond the Journey's End was found at a used book store in tokyo.
Hello, I will soon make a creepypasta about my game
(Read the creepypasta in the article! My first attempt at one, don't mind me.)
Let me tell you all about my horrid experience with DELTARUNE.
ESP: Os presento a Goofy Fox, una serie de dibujos que hice para un amigo relacionado a una creepypasta que el hizo basada en SuicideMosue.avi.
ENG: I present you Goofy Fox, a drawings serie I made for a friend relative his story based on SuicideMouse.avi