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Happy 10th Anniversary to FNaTI

A special video for the FNaF fan game that marked my life, FIVE NIGHTS AT TREASURE ISLAND :D

happy anniversary treasure island! one of my many favorite fnaf fangames


okay fr this game should make it out this weekend. I know its hilarious when I randomly come out of nowhere & say "remember how I said this is gonna take weeks to finish? well expect it in 5 days" but thats likely gonna actually happen with this one.

Anyone remember that werid old fnaf fangame called "Five Nights at Panda's 2"? atleast I think thats what it was called, used to be on the front page of gamejolt when you looked up fnaf. it never came out but there was a video showcasing gameplay...

If any of ya'll interested in looking at my old builds, here they're

my utter joy and satisfaction when i finally found this game is unmatched

looks like me, I have no more ideas what to say... ;-;

Probably not gonna happen but what if I made a video that would give a fact about every fnaf fangame I have made? Sometimes maybe just one or multiple