Work in Progress in Design

Share your creations!


I finally designed my (LW) Throne!! It's a big work in progress, but at least it's finally something after all these years of not having anything.

Say what do you think? What should I change?

Work in Progress for #2

Fixed buttons for the round to square is a cracked. We are designed for the UI changed for made by @NurMi420 contributes.


Work in Progress for #1

NurMi Screen, a sign up screen. We are designed for the UI changed for made by @NurMi420 contributes.


Sorry this drawing is really troubling for me. Anyway this counts for #ArtWeeklies theme Silly since that's the character's name lul

yeah... wish I wasn't sick ^^"

Trying something new again

Ik it doesn't look good but it was worth a shot

Just a christmas tree (W.I.P.)

WIP for art I can not post here lol