Artsy people's art in Expunged figure cult

Cook up your stew here! And PUH-LEASE make it edible.

if i could make music, this would be the game's album

the coolio kid guy

since you already expung urself, i added some gold to the hat, ur welcome @co0lkid

the stone it called to meeeeeee

wheats her

(repost due to forgetting to add communities)


Paul dead WIP

FOLLOW @ThemaxXD NOW HE IS ALMOST AT 1000!!!!!!!

More school drawings... I want MOORRRRRRRRRRRRR

What a berdie

I'm also cramped at the edge that's why you can see the floor

new logo thing for my games n stuff yay :D

and the TV's in Esperanto,

you know that that's a bitch.

(idk who made the pebble image im sorry)