Share your creations!

#GJC1000 Icario Drawing.


Quick Comic I made in honor of Akira Toriyama, I have to sleep now sadly.

Saw a cute outfit on twitter

Decided to draw myself in it :3

New Reference Sheet and Render of GenesisMD

Hope everyone had a great valentines day (and broke a couples kneecaps with or without someone else ^^)

Some art for you guys

Had to post something today lol, here's this thingy I had to make for a class presentation. It's George Washingtons 6th reincarnation fighting in the revolutionary war v26th holding a product that i had to make a presentation off of.

@KoolCirby Fanart!

Gotta say that this design was pretty cool! Though it did make it a little difficult to draw sometimes, especially the Hawaiian overcoat, had to do some layer changes. Other than that, pretty cool :D

Sprite of 17 Bucks Lord X are finished!

another messy Speedduo64 thingy

~[|| Welcome to the cardboard box!! ||]~

• This is a community of sillies that can post their stuff for all eyes to see and enjoy.

➡ You can share: art/animation, memes, clips, game screenies/clips, advertisments, etc. — You can post ANYTHING here for everyone to see themselves.

• Please remain neutral and/or respectful to the fellow members (the sillies), avoid conflictions, and be considerate of everyone else.

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These are simple rules to abide by, so just have respect & don't make enemies, and just enjoy yourself in the community.

>>> Icon & Header made by yours truly.

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