All Posts in DKrazy's Community I Guess
Throw some crap out there for the world!
okay but wtf is this thing even pls help
At the age of 13, skateboarder Momiji Nishiya won a gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics women's streetskate competition.
At the age of 13, I am lying here on the couch completely immobile with two gigantic brownies in my stomach writing this post.
Regarding my future as a game developer.
haha banana funny meme meme
@LanRicks this is certainly a strange notification to receive at 00:24 while taking a dump
If I had a nickel for every time this video randomly blew up, I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
wow cool it's my spawn day too bad i'm on vacation and can't do crap
but seriously thanks for the support
I found an article in my feed about Covid and I'm-