Touhou in Eon64 Community

Kill everybody :)

Xenophanes Reimu


Manual Blast



Fumo Eon64

I was not expecting to come across a video about Sanae Kochiya telling a Story by H.P.Lovecraft, but you never know what Life will bring you.

The Picture in House
H.P.Lovecraft東方プロジェクト二次創作品(C)opyright ZUN. All rights reserved.イラスト Croんte@土曜西o-41b様 シナリオ読込型VRoidビューワ HachiViewerPlus...

my Favourite part of Touhou: Memories of Phantasm was when Mokou said "it's Mokoin' Time!"

the Zombie Girl from Touhou

Fried Shrimp