General in Engraved Establishment

Share your creations!

GO TO 23: 50 - 25:52 HE ANSERED MY QUESTION!!!! This feels like a fever dream all of my body is sweating.

There is no way....
I cant find the world record if anyone sees the world record tell me pleas cuz this is crazy!


Here's what the View Mode of the Tycoon looks like now.

Many people wanted the ability to hide the UI as well as take screenshots in-game. You can also open the file location of the screenshots and are separated by the name of your pizzeria!


Currently WIP of the Tycoon Section UI so far (View Mode not worked on yet).

Biggest thing that needed improvement was having the user actually use other draw options and have better ways to find all the items, decor, and animatronics in one mode.

Got carried away

accidental engraved establishment fanart i just conjured. hello! :]
#fnaf #fnafart #endo01
i love me some endo whackin'. throw things at the sillies!!!!!

Hey All! We hope y'all enjoyed the preview :) But we have one more thing to announce! We have officially collaborated with Engraved Establishment!! We hope you're all as excited as we are!

Absolutely love Engraved Establishment! Praying for a full release within the next year or so!

can you add the multiplayer mode so i can play it with freinds + more animitronics