general in B-Side Indie Cross

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yes im working on bsdie indie cross

yes this is a leak


Remember when i said the wallop remaster wasn't gonna be in the mod?


FNF B-Side Indie Cross - Wallop Finalized
Gameplay by TheDreamerFrom04BF by Serkly_THGF by Nyeo and the B-Sides Rebooted TeamCuphead by SevenAnimsWallop V2 by InVoidChart by TheDreamerFrom04

might aswell help in testin

Cool shit Ron!

Wtf was the point of adding art and fanart

@eliotschmeliot can i work on the mod

B-side is a thing. Some mods have a D-side, but wheres the C-side?

@SevenTheAnimator Can StupidPeppa be a helper?