All Posts in your everyday vent space

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sh.t will get better, right? it has to doesnt it? i need to get better, please get better

(im mental ill)

ya I have to

(feel free to repost but just Credit me)

vent: i keep having horrible dreams that people around me aredying and its taking a big impact on my mental health


so stuff has been happening to me irl which is why i sometimes go absent. Plus my house is being remodeld. Im trying my best to remain semi competent....

Also, if i dont post my best friends @therealfoxy101 and @Glitchtrap666666 normally do.

you have to read it

im upper middle class and everytime i vent i feel like sh-t because i know people have a worse financial or family situation


some how i can't move my head like why and i don't know why

its so hard to get up when the only things you need to get up for are in different places in the world

maybe he'll get up when he gets yelled at, maybe they wont feed him for a few days, that'll teach him a lesson not to mess with them.


I hate the fact that I get made fun of online for making gacha videos, I make other content you know??? I know the person has more subs than me but still their channel was 2 years old meanwhile mine is 10 months old