Gaming in Fandomz's Fan Group and stuff

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2 new shiny friends today! (The first one is a dream shiny for a long while lmao)

The sandwich method is cracked!




Azurill spooked me when I was getting just wholesome photoage lol


I got bullied by Vespiqueen, she laughed as I fell (switch still not fixed, idk when it will, but yeah. Was playing on my older sister's switch lol, one of them)

I love my randomized Starter, very cute

Context: I'm doing a somewhat easy Nuzlocke, in a way

My current randomizer nuzlocke team! ^^ we have beaten 2 gyms so far! Training for the third one currently! Very excited!

Randomized Nuzlocke Team so far lmao

Ok so I just got this lol

(Also it's supposed to be Mr. Fancy Pants lmao)

She's fully evolved now, I will possibly use her for future shiny hunts cause she has Stun Spore and Sleep Powder

I got a funny gurl (you can't see the gender but it is a girl)