Gaming in Fandomz's Fan Group and stuff
I am very tired, I didn't sleep, so my apologies if I don't make sense, I can't sleep ack. Anyways, ooo pretty fountain
My favorite Pokémon is Eevee (think we all know that) but I also do like Zoura!
Oops, sorry lmao (was playing alone this time)
I plan to make a random clip comp of some Kirby clips for yt lmao
Death (was playing with my younger brother, I'm player 1 💀)
I FORGOT: it's a but flashy sorry I did forget-
This is one of my favorite things in Hypnospace Outlaw, just his look
Ignore the bg stuff tee hee
Totally real shiny wild cinderace!!!1111!1!1!!!!1 (NOT A DITTO TOTALLY)
Also was being watched and cheared on while trying to catch it rofl (it was something for a friend)
I can't believe I nearly missed this beauty, probably cause I wasn't aiming for this one but Orthworm lmao
He didn't want to be in the picture