Gaming in Fandomz's Fan Group and stuff

When I can, hopefully in a few days or so, should I make videos or a video of me playing KinitoPET? Lmao
Also I do have Steam so feel free to friend me if you want, the username thing should be Fandomzzz1234, lol

Lol game crashed like this

Got this a bit ago, I personally love it! ^^

Just random Pocket Camp Screenshots! I don't know, I just like these one way or another lol

Random but my Doodle World Team, lmao, idk what to post

I finalized my avatar thing lol

So I got roblox, been a long while since I played it really tbh so I thought of playing it again, feel free to friend and stuff if you want

Got my first shiny in the DLC, it's the houndoom, nothing really special but wanted one. (He was a Houndour)
Also I just thought the picture was a little cute really