General in Fandomz's Fan Group and stuff

Share your creations!

I recreated KinitoPET's voice on a site, should I share it here, from a copypasta, I just don't know what to do for the visuals lmao

idk what to post lol but sorry for not being on lmao

Morning, not dead yet, but I'm really tired. I hope everyone is well, as always.

It's my bday today! Yay! Very excited today I woke up very early XD

Howdy everyone, sorry for not being on a lot haha, been busy with things but I do have my remix done and waiting for art from a friend, but I also hope everyone is well! ^^

Idk what to post ack. I do hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night/evening and staying safe. I'm decent myself, slept tons and also had some stomach issues but I think I'm ok now.

Idk but saw the FNAF Movie (I won't spoil and I don't want other's to do that as well) I liked it really, watched it with my mom and little brother, we had fun! ^^

Random, but I like when others draw my character, I love the different art styles! Also, you guys can draw him if you like, feel free too! I wouldn't mind, idk sorry lmao. Reference should be the only pin thing, if you decide to draw him! ^^

I don't know and might have a lot of my plate but, I was wondering if anyone is willing to help with my mod? More of art, I can do music or try, but I was just wondering if anyone is willing to help?

Kinda tired, been tired all day really, but I'm fine, I think. Hopefully everyone else is doing well and staying safe, it's important after all