General in Fandomz's Fan Group and stuff

Share your creations!

Morning everyone hope everything is well! Here is a funny picture of my cat too

Tomorrow, hopefully.

Back and it turns out it is just some bad brusing on my toes but they are healing! My mom, mostly her, and I were worried it was something worse but we are good! ^^

I have a doctor's appointment today, just something about my toes, I don't think it is anything too bad but I still hope things are well with them, so yeah, anyways, I hope everyone has a lovely day and stays safe!

Howdy! I do hope everyone has a wonderful day and stays safe! ^^

Since most of the votes were yes, feel free to put down what you want him to say! Nothing offensive or innoproprate please, and maybe, I can make it into a compilation of them with art hopefully, but yeah lol

Oh and I can't make him sing rn lol

I recreated KinitoPET's voice on a site, should I share it here, from a copypasta, I just don't know what to do for the visuals lmao

idk what to post lol but sorry for not being on lmao

Morning, not dead yet, but I'm really tired. I hope everyone is well, as always.

It's my bday today! Yay! Very excited today I woke up very early XD