Pictures in Fandomz's Fan Group and stuff

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Weird flex but look what I got, I have never owned these til now

I got these yesterday :) I am very happy! ^^ (they're stickers btw lol)

Got this from my older sister lol, also got fingerless gloves today rofl

Gooba (also in my mom's room lol)

My brother got me this book a couple weeks ago or so, and it finally came in today! I am happy and grateful for it!

Gooba (also her and her brother is 1 years old since the 12th I believe, but yeah, time goes so fast!)

Smoll Xmas tree my brother got


(I don't wanna go outside today, but I wanted to show that he is ok and back home! ^^)

Goobers! Also as of right now, we don't know where Tigger is, I am a bit worried but I do hope and think that he went on an adventure, it seems like his thing.

He stole my phone again