general in Scronkledoinkus' Family

happy familia :)

Me when my followers ship me amd dogday

Hey? πŸ€”

Hey! 😨

MUSTARD ON THE BEAT, HO πŸ—£πŸ—£πŸ—£πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Β  9 votes Voting finished


You know what they say about bees

There is no way a bee should be able to pick it's fatass up with its wings

But it does it anyways


Fuck you, that's why.

y owza

It's @ScronkleDoinkus Spawnday !!!

Happy Spawnday ScronkleDoinkus

oh w owie it's my spaw nday

happ y spaw nday to me !!!

If I mgoing to b ehonest, i ma y have forge tto mentio n a few detai ls abou tmyself

They are coming.


I struggled with this drawing cuz I kept getting like 50 notifs and ibispaint is a ibispain in the ass

but now it's done