Backrooms in Indie Games

Hi! Welcome! What’s your mind? Please share it! :D

Imagine if you had fallen into Backrooms without knowing where you are? That would be horrible =/

Smilers are that scary in Backrooms, and what’s more, their smile glowing in the dark =(

Dang the Christmas is over?? That was quick, but anyways Backrooms investigation might be coming soon for me to research more about some Levels =(

Everyone should have more fun in Level Fun =)

Level Afterparty looks a bit insane, but chaotic as this point in Backrooms, seems like cakes had been smashed into pieces by now =)

Level Fun+ looks interesting level in Backrooms =)

*Merry Christmas, everyone =D

*Also merry Christmas to all Backrooms fans =D

There's different kind almond waters throughout in Backrooms, and some can be dangerous to drink =(

Mostly Negative Levels in Backrooms often doesn't contain enough resources, which it's true =(

Sometimes almond water can be useful and helpful in Backrooms, even it’ll restore your sanity back up, again =(