All Posts in The Fishy Community (TFC or the FC)

create a silly post :p

A bad drawing yet one of my bests, a drawing i made as a comment for one of @BOXZEE 's posts :P

I'm having existential crisis

that's how depression feels like

Repost ( I forgot to add to community -_-)

I like lego building and I am at my grandparents house, I didn't bring my Lego cuz it's too heavy. Is there any "digital" alternative to it? I can't find one... Also, don't suggest LEGO PLAY its bad af

the magical candy corn


I gave Scott (crimson stickman/my main oc) a voice

And John too, thank god I found a good TTS.

None of the voices are mine


We hit 10 members (+) tell me in ONLY THIS POST'S comment section. Recommendations end until a new channel is here. If we hit another goal, this event will restart.

Anonymous messages


Recommended GIF| Me when I see another Frendo pynx simp (also check @FunnyFrendo34 )

Hiya all


the raldi tapes 3 season 3: