questions in Five Nights at Hanwil's(Official)
Do you miss the original Five Nights at Hanwil's series?
Is there a reward for beating 6/20 mode (like another star) or is it just something to try and survive everyone at max?
I haven’t done max mode yet, but I have a question for the devs. Do you think that max mode is at least possibly beatable?
Okay, so I've beaten Night 5, idk if there's supposed to be a cutscene though. But one question. Since it talked of a hallucination of Golden Hanwil/Hanwryes. Does Golden Hanwil/Hanwryes activate on Night 5 or 6?
Edit: Night 6 done , going to last night.
Is there supposed to be a cutscene/tape after Night 4? Because I beated Night 4 and got no cutscene/tape, I did unlock Night 5 however, I just want to know.
Does anyone have some tactics for Night 3? I feel like Night 3 is a bit too hard or it’s just me, I keep dying over and over again. If you have some tactics to recommend, please put them in the reply/comment section.
when withered golden hanwil will active?
why in 2nd game withered hanwil can crawl in the vents?
why in reboted version Hanwil can crawl in the vents?
How much MB is the FNAH full game size expected?