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[RUS]-Интересно кто-то всё ещё помнит эту игру? Так-вот, я решил обновить её и сделать с нуля. Вот что пока-что получается.

[ENG]-Insteresting if anyone still remembers this game? So, I decided to update it and make it from scratch. And here is the result

Five Nights with Froggy 2 — Trophies

Большой Котти!❤️

Weird Fact: Karlsson and his newer counterpart have a different number of fingers (comparison is the next photo)

Хоть я плохо рисую но..

Я веру что Глеб выпустит финальные 3-ю и 4-ю части Пять ночей с фрогги

Вы скажете

-Неет ведь Глеб обещал только 3-ю часть по фрогги!

Я так не думаю...

Я запускаю хештег #froggyLive или же на русском #фроггиЖиви

Удачи господа...

1000 Members? Wowee It Has Been A Long Journey Hasnt It? Kitty Baked A Special Cake For This Occasion!

Model evolution (the first badly looking ones are my first models ever)

Made the Gnomes (Body coming soon)

Old DVD from The late 2000s i Found in a Garage sale

Drawn Kitty from (FNWFroggy) like at the Little Pet Shop (how to say it, but you will understand what I mean)

This is the first time I'm drawing such characters and I've been racking my brain about what color Kitty's eyes should be.

Welcome to the FKoKFII Community!

The community of the Fairy Kingdom of King Froggold II, which belongs to such game series as “Five Nights with Froggy” and “Froggy vs. Mother-in-law”.

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