All Posts in Fairy Kingdom of Queen Margaret II

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Today at 18:45 Vladivostok time zone the premiere of the first episode of the VHS series will begin!

Сегодня в 18:45 по Владивостокскому часовому поясу начнётся премьера первой серии VHS-сериала!

Музыка из видео:Gothic Children's Choir - AllenGreyAnother Medium - 1 Finger Piano Tutorial

Jesus Harold Christ the locations in the fkokf series are real

for ottotine

every lorenzi picture

character idea: fun time gnomes

And here is Prince Leonidas II himself at the age of 18!

А вот и сам принц Леонид II в свои 18 лет!

Thanks to these people for their wonderful fan art!

Спасибо этим людям за их чудесные фан-арты!



Krossbonnie (No Gamejolt)

Сurrent game icon

Текущая иконка игры



Im making a FnwFroggy music vídeo again...

Can you guess the song??

Update: Its DONE now i need to upload it

...Can you hear me?

...Меня слышно?