theories in Five Nights at Candy's

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In making the replica of Chester's camera from FNaC 1 I got to wondering about something. Who is this "Candy" but in green?"

So I have a question will we ever have a dog character that is loosely based off of the dog boss fight from FNAC 3 mini game.

Like I feel like it could be an old character in universe. I mean like animatronic.

The one thing I do know about the extras main is they made the characters look new and brighter then the old version and though out the entire map of the game.

I wonder whether the forgotten Cindy, Chester, Rat, Blank will appear in the game or whether new characters will appear?

The puppet is transforming into vinnie form fnaf 2 in secret minigame form fnac 3

Night gurad is actually Mary she is actually night gurad you never see Were is his appearance form original also player is actually mary

My Fnac 4 Theory! Please Read The Article For My Theory!

something that i think of.

Who Possessd Blank And Old Candy?

Who Possessd Candy And His Gang?