fnafar in Five Nights At Freddy's Fan Community

Share your creations!


Wow! I did not expect that the skin on the boy with balls Wow! I did not expect that the skin on Balun Boya

[SFM/FNAFAR] Happy fnaf ar 2nd anniversary

happy 2 b day of fnaf ar!

Working on new characters

Little red chica will be at the first teaser game of fnaf time trouble



the Demo will comingsoon;)


hey my fnaf ar loading screen stuck at 82% im try to reset the app and etc.

but it's won work

My fnaf collection so far

Try creating a suken toy bonnie with retexture and lighting a bit realistic

Tell me if I achieve my goal or not

Guess what happened? My brother yeeted my Easter bonnie action figure's head across the room😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😡😡😡🐰