#FavoriteFNAF this is my spring trap plush I made for GrimFoxProductions contest

Here's my art of Bonnie from jr's hope it was worth the wait

Balloon baby's here to steal your soul

Here's some Nicole nexbots art I made say hello to Freddy Fazmug

I made art of BrandyGroves oc

Here's the art I made for my suggestion also we should have a jolttober FNAF theme #JoltoberSuggest

Guys look it's trangle from FNAF 69 #BadArt
Welcome to the Freddy with guns Forest community on Game Jolt
This is a community I made back in August of 2022 for the soul porpoise of having a place to put my stuff in I never thought it would as popular as it is today this used to be called cool FNAF art before I changed it to Freddy with guns Forest community this community is pretty dead so try to share this community to your friends and maybe they will like it thanks to all you guys for the support