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Hi guys, what would you like to see in the next FNAPM update? Btw, probably with the next update I will add a Android version ;)

V. 1.1.0 The addon update

Hey guys! So I decided that update 1.1.0 will only be 4 new addons and bug fixes, and I have already made 3 of the 4 addons, what does that mean? That today or tomorrow the update will come out! :D

I think Add peach as one like make her evil cuz fnaf characters look evil

Hey! Anyone have ideas for Custom Night addons?


Hey guys! So it just came to my mind an addon for Custom Night featuring a Bob-Omb in the office, and I would like it to work something like the hot potato, how you think it could work like?

What!?! A mad/poisonous block!?!

Hey! Anyone have ideas for the next update? Like idk, new characters, new addons or new easter eggs (The game only has 2 easter eggs and 1 of them was originally a bug so yeah)

V. 1.0.2