general in FNaS 4: Alternate Edition

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Happy New Year everyone!!!
I hope you will enjoy 2023 more then 2022 because many didn't had a great year but maybe something positive can happen for everyone in the new year. :D

totally the best joke known to man
(i feel stupid)

FNaS 4: Alternate Edition -Round 2- (Demo)/Nights 1-3 Complete.
Game: 0:00Warning 0:13Opening Cutscene/Minigame 0:30Main Menu 0:44Night 1 1:02Night 2 8:31Night 3 15:59"Comi...
30 minutes
(No, not the full game. Still a lot to do but I promise it'll be worth the wait)
okay SO
yes, the server is gone. but, i have gotten my account back at the very least. unsure when i'll make a new one, if at all. but for now, i am sorry if any of you have been affected by the hack
in case i dont make a new one, expect more updates here

Sonic el dios de five nights at sonic XD