questions in Fnas Community

Show Your Stuff About Fnas!

Should I try to draw the Fnas characters in autodesk: sketchbook on my phone for once?

  59 votes Voting finished

So smiler said that there’s an options in Fnas 1 recoded and Fnas 2 recoded and if I do a let’s play of Fnas 2 recoded should I set Withered Mario design to the normal design or he old design?

First image is normal design

Second image is old design

  68 votes Voting finished

Got any ideas for Fnas scratch art I could do?

Excuse me but can I make fanarts with my included fan characters? is that I have a lot.

which fnas game is your favorite?

  82 votes Voting finished

Which one should I do?

  44 votes Voting finished

Is it possible to do scratch art in another aspect ratio like 900x500 or 800x600 etc and if so how do you do it?

  35 votes Voting finished

which toasty fnas game are you hyped for the most?

  47 votes Voting finished

which should i do for fnf friday night at sonic's?

  38 votes Voting finished

so i just got psych engine for fnf mods so which mod should i make?

  63 votes Voting finished