questions in Five Nights At Sonic's: Forever Gold

Gold is cool

will the characters have game over screens like from maniac mania?

@YellowBoiOfficial , I think we need an assitant but the only problem is what the assitant will help with? (Game ideas? Errors? or Just Help?)

When and where will the trailer drop for FNaS: Forever Gold?

Any other ideas for Amber Tails theme song?

yo what should amber tails theme be

What music is perfect for a Forever Gold Max Mode theme?

For my opinion it could be this, is just maniac melee but in a diferent way we need to extendit. tell in the comments if you have a music to maybe add as a Max Mode theme ok.


What should Brass Marios theme song be?

Yellow Boi, Me and Gaston were talking and we think about that we should have someone who could make the music cuz you how youtube is so did you find any person who can make the music and sounds of the game?

just before you show golden sonic i just wanna know Yellow Boi are you gonna use your version or @EdibleData