Tubby Talking in Five Nights at Tubbyland

Time for teletubbies!

a lot of bugs will be fixed in the final release

also the dream night and PLTD update will come later after the main game releases

Guys i will make a archive of tubbyland mixtapes and retturning to tubbyrush soon and i will try to reboot tubbyland mixtapes but not now

The phone guy talking about a fellow employee's fear of noo-noo form fnatl 3 the end game

Employee 3 talking about possessing and rotting away in noo-noo fnatl 2

The unnamed phone guy Explaining and warning of noo-noo's sharp teeth form fnatl 2

An unnamed phone guy explaining noo-noo's machine in fnatl 2

The unnamed phone guy Explaining why the tubby bot would stuff into noo-noo (form fnatl 2)

Noo-noo is very similar of twisted freddy his mouth is sharp teeth hole


people im a birthday boy today