questions in The gamer FNAY Community

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question for @jeb_yoshi - what software did you use to draw FNaY?

Will you make a DX version of FNAY called Five Nights at Poochy & Yoshi's? It just occurred to me lol

Edit: Obviously not, just kidding

Question For Jeb_Yoshi

It is mandatory to pass 7/20 to unlock endless mode, right?

whats the sound of daniel when you click the poster i wanna know

Is cam 2 teasing jhon from nights 1-5?

Jeb,Are you working on FNAY2?

why did you make every character always be active even if they are at 0 ai

Hey jeb_yoshi can you pass me the static effect you used in FNAY?

Do you keep your save file on the next version?