Fanarts in Friday Night Funkin’ Corruption


Female Soul Boyfriend (ngl, she kinda hot-)
art by USA37107692 on Twitter

i mabey will make a mod called pico day (fanmade) if can (my drawing is to bad (´⌒`。) )

Okehhh, so here are all of Soul?BF’s CURRENT designs
(idle, normal, v-pose, demon)
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Soul?Boyfriend’s (UPDATED) Character Profile (Google Docs)…

Soul?BF Humanized (design by me)

fnf corruption mod moment (repost cuz forgor one thing)

okay so turns out I didnt go to school today so here’s the beautiful art I promised y’all
(this is probably my new oc or whatever u call it lol)
heres the original post (couldn‘t find the original artist, full credits to them):