general in THE EXE GANG

Share your bloody creations

the event is starting soon.
Do the ordered in the article to join it.

roblox event will start at 24/1 .

here is the link to join it:

you can join now.

@everyone i'll open my server [while studing on PC]. you will need STD2DR V100 to join the server.

my ip:

note : if I found less than 2 players in the server I'll close it,and the server will close any time.

Hi everyone.

I am still in the exams.

When I come back online i'll come with an important event.

It's sonic.exe the disaster roblox.


there might be a STD2DR event too.

Hi everyone.

I'd like to invite you to this group.

It also publish the disaster games.

Important update.

I got not much time to talk so i'll talk in brief.

I've made a discord server For everyone to talk (in the disaster games only)

Here is the link:


I can't publish anything until 24/1/2023 because of exams.

Sorry everyone

Do you know those exes.