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What's in store?

did chapter 2 aswell, my laptop was BURNING near the end but here's some cool screenshots i took of ink demon

screenshots i took while playing chapter 1, i clicked select chapter instead of new game on accident so my progress didn't save after i beat ch1, but its fine i can do it again since i missed the bacon soup achievement
happy to report that the long lost 2014 build of fnaf 3 has been found! go play it!

pro gameplay in floor 2's door 200 with admin panel didn't go as planned

i (nightbear) may be in the wrong place just MAY be
another day another mrs sugar game

more random gmod screenshots that i took while playing with @TF46
they're just funny lol

never again and i MEAN it, this was the hardest challenge i've ever done in doors and it also got insanely tense on door 200, thankfully no rng scenarios though!/about

fuck my lifeeeeeeeeeee
(update: it got fixed but im still so mad i was on 150)