Updates and Announcements❗ in Jacko_'s Community

What's in store?

The ''Dawn'' version of the Jackieland mode has been finished and tested! I also added in the welcome badge.

The day version of the Jackieland mode has been tested and everything works! Just gotta add 2 more decals and then the day version is done. I tried to make the custard positions be as reasonable as possible since I know people HATE very open maps in ST.

I'm proud to say that I've finished all of the monsters in like 5 minutes lol

If I'm fast enough this game might release this weekend. It was originally supposed to release on April 1st but there was no way I could finish it that fast

Here is a refrence sheet for both of my OCs! The replacement for Jacko_swald is here and it is called "Jamario_"!

SURPRISE! Well, some of you prob already expected it lmao

The other Tubby-Fights videos are now OUT, the thumbnails are placeholders cuz I still have to find a USB and port stuff over from my old laptop.



I'm gonna make an Easter image too ok just be patient cause my OC's vector is on my old laptop :sob:

The SFJ mini-update is out! Let's see what it adds.


Coming on April 1st lol (also a quick message in the article)