Lil creations of yall

My old drawing 馃拃
(It looks weird right now, but it's probably just me馃珷)

Well here's Jin in Thigh highs, I'm not good at drawing those, but I tried
Edit, if anyone wants to redraw or remaster this, go ahead, I'd like to see some art from you guys :)

I decided to make this out of boredom, came out a bit better than I thought it would

again another sketch of Jin with new pen tablet
EDIT (Jin: donut?)

Jin in a new technique
(With pen tablet :D)

New fpe teachers
Miss rose=right =garden teacher
Miss Bone =middle = archeology teacher
Miis spain = left = spainish teacher

[Fpe|Fpeoc]Miss Fanci and Afu
(I completely forgot Gamejolt existed, and now I have discovered there are fpe communities here, guess I will put my two fpe ocs here)