fun_facts_section in Game Group Therapy


Fun Fact#435
Americans typically eat 150 million hot dogs on Independence Day.

Fun Fact#434
It takes longer to drown in saltwater than in freshwater.

Fun Fact#433
When double rainbows occur, the colors of the second arc are always reversed.

Fun Fact#432
The German Autobahn has no speed limits because Western Germany saw them as a Nazi relic.

Fun Fact#431
Even though drugs are officially illegal in the Netherlands, it is legal to be under the influence of any drug to encourage people to seek medical help.

Fun Fact#430
Q-Tips were originally called "Baby Gays."

Fun Fact#429
The average American child is given $3.70 per tooth that falls out.

Fun Fact#428
China banned Back to the Future because it contained time travel.

Fun Fact#427
When he was President, George H.W. Bush banned broccoli from Air Force One and the White House.

Fun Fact#426
Intentionally farting on a California prison guard can get you an additional 11 years in prison.