fun_facts_section in Game Group Therapy


Fun Fact#445
Clinomania is the excessive desire to lay in bed all day.

Fun Fact#444
In Greece, women are not legally allowed to wear high heels or tall hats in the Olympic Stadium.

Fun Fact#443
Albert Einstein was married to his distant cousin; Elsa Einstein.

Fun Fact#442
In 2007, a 1000-gallon inflatable swimming pool was stolen from someoneā€™s back yard without a single drop of water being found.

Fun Fact#441
The ā€œLostā€ pilot was so expensive that the Chairman of ABC was fired for green-lighting the project.

Fun Fact#440
During the Second World War, German tank drivers would drive their vehicles over camel droppings, thinking it would bring them good luck.

Fun Fact#439
Cats which have blue eyes for the duration of their lives are likely to be deaf.

Fun Fact#438
Feeding curry to a sheep reduces the amount of methane in its farts by up to 40%.

Fun Fact#437
Will Smith owed $2.8 Million to the IRS and almost went bankrupt, just before he signed the contract forĀ "The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air."

Fun Fact#436
In World War II, Germany tried to collapse the British economy by dropping millions of counterfeit bills over London.