The Hub in The Pablo Supportives!

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I'm back, I was very busy

TOE 2 Sucks, and heres why.

#GJAsks Hollow Knight is my favourite indie game :D

Nah bluds a copy cat💀 anyways skip to the part, (report this kid for death threats, user is: @LTMATDABF2025)

I know this is ai but im glad people are roasting her even if shes ai though.

#FREEJACOBTFG (He got banend on yt)

Follow @mareobadr and @not_Z or else I will send Kendrick to diss you!1!1🔥🔥 (THEY NOT LIKE US THEY NOT LIKE US🗣🗣🔥🗣🔥)

Farewell for today.

73% on Deadlocked rn, anyways, Ive been inactive for a couple of days and late posting, thats because, My mum is in Hospital, she's almost been in there for a week having to attempt to breathe and ive been trying to cope, so im sorry if im late.

10% on Cataclysm (GD Extreme Demon)