Uhm.... Know what to say no but @freddygamer726 made this fan song I heard.... I don't exactly hear it a lot but ya .... Here's the link…
It took me a while to draw the V2 of Luna in school... Luckily I finished it at the end of the day... So here's the V2 of Luna
I know I haven't posted a lot these days.... Because I don't know what to do now.. well I found this behind the Slaughter.. but Sarv sings it. By the way there's no instrumental of this.. so here's the link
Hey guys..... again it's been awhile since I haven't been posted anything yet... But it took me awhile to Re-design my OC/Sprite cuz I kinda don't like the old here's the V2 of me 😜😜🤔🤔🤔❤️❤️💞💞🌴
I don't know what to say next..... I'm watching this though... Selever Vs Selene singing Attack... Here's the link ;-;
I know you guys don't want to talk to me but..... I saw this video and I was in surprise that Selever can sing Trance.. I didn't know if there was an instrumental but I was in Surprise... Check this video out
I'm finished with my Soft me as Selever...... I really did a good job with the wings..... :3. Hope y'all love it 💝💝
So yeah guys I....... Sort of lied... But I'm working on it though on soft Luna pretending to be Selene... I'm going to work on that later. But I'm working on this. Soft me as Selever. It might take me a while to finish it but don't worry. I'll finish it
I didn't know this would come out great..... It was me in the 26th of course..... I didn't have time to post this because I wasn't finished with other stuff.... So here it is by the way you're still laying of the song Crimsong VIP
By the way guys I forgot to tell you there's a new song.... The same song but it's a remix...."Crimsong VIP". I thought that was a myth but no... I realized I really love that song... Here's the link.