All Posts in Glinkle
My DAMN school keeps giving me DAMN projects that I gotta DAMN DO I want to work on DAMN Glinkle but I DAMN can't because of my DAMN school, like goDAMNit!! I just want to DAMN make my DAMN game but DAMN school will DAMN me to DAMN hell I'm going DAMN emo
not working on glinkle right now, have a picture of mr beast
not adding b.o.b fight..................... i have no idears for it! also the music for b.o.b goes unused as well
i'm BORED of developing glinkle right now (NOT QUITTING JUST TAKING A BREAKHI)
1. i am terminally addicted to castle crashers
2. making music is tedious
3. developing is kind of tedious
6. where's 4? sonic.exe hide and seek... (hope i don't get banned for dot dot...,,,,.)